The book of Genesis tells the account of God giving Abraham the charge to leave his country and start a journey to possess a land “flowing with milk and honey” — the Promised Land. On the 15th chapter of Genesis, the borders of that land were proximately defined as extending “from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, Euphrates.”
The Euphrates River originates in eastern Turkey and it flows through Syria and Iraq, joining the Tigris in the Shatt al-Arab River, which empties in the Persian Gulf. Cairo, Egypt, is about 375 miles from Jerusalem and the Euphrates about 800 miles away. Current Israel’s borders extend only 263 miles from north to south, and its width ranges from 71 miles to, at its narrowest point, 9.3 miles. Needless to say, what we today call the Jewish Promised Land is much smaller than the territory God promised Israel’s patriarch.
Centuries later, the book of Joshua tells the account of the Jewish conquest of the Promise Land. After fleeing from 400 years of Egyptian slavery, and wandering in the wilderness for another 40, the Israelites gathered by the Jordan River, under Joshua’s leadership, waiting to move into the territory God promised Abraham and his descendants.
God’s message was clear: The land was theirs to take. However, they had to do their part and actually set their foot on the entire territory. There would be work. There would be war. Their promise would never be fulfilled, unless they did their part.
The result of their fearful reluctance is well known in Judeo-Christian settings, and widely explored in sermons and writings: The actual territory conquered was but a fraction of what they would have received, had they trusted God and done their part.
The same concept is repeated throughout Scriptures: Many of God’s promises are conditional, requiring initiation from our part. Abraham would not have received his promises, had he refused to leave Chaldea. Later on in the Gospels, 10 lepers would not have been healed, had they not obeyed Jesus’ instructions to show themselves to the priest. They left the master’s presence with bodies still covered in wounds. As they obeyed and trusted Jesus’ command, healing took place.
There is a time to pray, a time to plan, and a time for action. Like the Israelites, many of us will never receive our full promises, because we overload our lives with words of faith, only to show our skepticism with hesitation or inaction. Late author and pastor J.R. Miller called it “the overwaiting of unbelief.”
[bctt tweet=”There is a time to pray, a time to plan, and a time for action. Overwaiting shows our lack of faith in what God can do.” username=”PatHolbrook”]
While writing down some thoughts for the new year several weeks ago, a somber thought crossed my mind. I don’t want to reach the end of my life and wonder what it could had been, had I stepped out in faith, obeying God’s every direction, regardless of how frightening or illogical they might be.
Indeed, sometimes God’s directions do not make sense at all. Sometimes he commands us to move from comfortable, familiar places. Sometimes he leads us into territories filled with giants and unknown languages, with nothing but the promise that he would guide our steps and give us a new, better land.
In those moments, like the Israelites, we often hesitate because our eyes do not see the full scope of God’s dream for us.
But we must remind ourselves that faith without action is no faith at all. True faith steps out of our songs of worship and our listening to the preacher and plunges into action. True faith heads out of Chaldea, understanding that the promise will only be fulfilled if we walk the length and the breadth of the land. True faith believes that God has already begun to deliver. All we need it to conquer and possess.
This article was published in Patricia’s column for the Atlanta Journal Constitution on Saturday February 4, 2017.
Visiting as your neighbor at RaRa linkup. “True faith believes that God has already begun to deliver.” What a powerful statement. Stepping out in faith when we don’t know the whole story is difficult. But it is only in faith when we trust God to complete the missing piece of the puzzle, or fill the need, or show us the path. Thank you for this great reminder. May your soul be refreshed as you believe He has begun to deliver. Because we know He is always faithful!!! Sweet Blessings to you!
Thank you for your encouraging comment, Cheryl! So glad you stopped by! Many blessings to you in your ministry as well!!
WOW, timely words of Wisdom! Thanks Patricia.
Thank you, my friend!
Love this! I know my weakness is the fear of failure and inaction at times. Praying I can overcome my fears! Thank you!
Amen, Roxi! By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can conquer any fear! I used to be a very fearful and anxious person, but God has made me bold and fearless! Thank you for commenting! Blessings,
Stepping out in faith is not always easy, but when we hear God calling us to do something in His name, it’s best we heed and follow! He just presented me today with an opportunity to develop my speaking skills, and as I’ve wanted to spread the good news of my Christian novels and how the Lord worked through me as I wrote, I am thrilled beyond belief. I was simply too hesitant to do anything on my own.
Blessings, Patricia!
Congratulations, Martha! How exciting! Thank you for always commenting and encouraging me each week. Blessings on this new opportunity!!
Another timely reminder that presses our personal pause button and forces us to focus on what’s really important in life today.
Looking forward to you speaking at the Coffee & Quill mini conference on Saturday morning, April 29 in Woodstock.
Thank you, Mike! Looking forward to it myself!! 🙂
Thank you Patricia! Great reminders and right on time. You are a vessel of the Lord.
Connie – your comment made my day. That’s all I want! Thank you! Blessings to you,
Today I found your blog, and after reading this article, I know for sure I am a person who hesitates and with fear stay quiet not taking action. I’m stuck in the fear of my anxiety disorder, the bitterness and not being able to live my life in joy and peace ever again. Thank you for sharing your wisdom! I will pray for courage to take action and get to my promise land.
God bless you!
I am so grateful you found us, Florencia. Keep pressing on! I was bound by fear and anxiety, and God has set me free to live a truly abundant life, even in the midst of difficult trials. God is faithful and will honor your trust and obedience! Blessings!!