Conference Workshops
2:00 – 3:30 pm
with Patricia Holbrook
Do you feel the Lord calling you to inspire others through writing?
If that is you, you need to attend this workshop, where Patricia will teach you the elements of a good devotional and give you great tools to sharpen your writing skills.
Whether you are already an established writer or your ministry is just starting, you will find great information from an established author and columnist, with over a decade of experience writing both for secular and Christian publications.
Key Workshop Components:
- God is always writing messages in your life. Learn how to make use of your devotional time as writing material and study.
- The importance of structure. Messages that ressonate have a strong structure. Learn how to outline your message.
- Key aspects of writing Truth. You must know the Word to teach the Word.
- Free resources for writers.
- Website basics.
- Social Media and your message.
2:00 – 3:30 pm
with Stephanie Wilkins
Ever wonder why you are still hungry after eating a delicious meal or how you could
not even remember eating a whole bag of chips or what they tasted like?
Or, maybe you’ve dieted one week, lost 5 pounds only to gain it all back + some more the very next week.
If you can relate, welcome to Intentional Eating.
In this workshop, you will learn life-enhancing, faith-based – health,
nutrition, and wellness techniques in mindful eating that curb the appetite and
reset the digestive tract. You’ll also learn how to naturally stop symptoms of indigestion, constipation, and some forms of acid reflux.
Finally, you will gain an understanding of the binge/ restrict cycle and how to stop it, and leave with tools to begin your journey to a healthy relationship with God’s blessing of food.
Key Workshop Components:
- How to mindfully eat
- Understanding the Binge/Restrict Cycle and how to balance your appetite naturally, the way God intended.
- How to listen to your body’s natural eating cues.
- Natural lifestyle management techniques and natural remedies for indigestion, constipation, and acid reflux.
- Develop a routine for meal planning and meal prep.
- The practice of intentional eating.
- Develop a grateful heart for God’s provision of healthy food.
- Learn how to develop new healthy habits

2:00 – 3:30 pm
With Pat Layton
Have you ever wondered—why you are here, on this earth, in THIS city, in THIS family, in THIS life?
Am I really making a difference with what I AM doing?
I often feel like a lousy Mom, a hurtful wife, an MIA friend or a lost leader.
Do you hear people talk about “purpose” and “calling,” but often feel that just getting
by day-to-day takes all the “purpose” and all the “calling” you’ve got?
Truth be told, more often than not, if we are not careful, if we are not intentional, we can find ourselves living behind a mask.
The truth is thousands of women are bound by secrets of abuse, rejection, loneliness, fear, shame, personal failures (dot,dot,dot).
We too often wear masks for fear of not being accepted. These precious women are walking through life right beside you.
I have spent my life on a QUEST for answers to those questions and a QUEST to find God’s truth and voice as I try to take the next right steps.
My prayer would be that this day is a next right step for you, for us!
4:00 – 5:30 pm
with Rhoda Vickers Hendrix
Using materials you may already have on hand, it’s easy to pull together a creative and beautiful Fall/Thanksgiving table.
Rhoda will share her ideas and decorate a table from scratch as we talk through elements and materials that make a stunning seasonal tablescape.

4:00 – 5:30 pm
Help and Hope for Blended Families
with Laura Petherbridge
Every day in America 1300 new stepfamilies are formed.
As a stepmom of 37 years, and having 3 stepparents herself, Laura Petherbridge shares insights on how to survive and thrive in a blended family.
This is designed for anyone who is related to a blended family including:
- The adult stepchild
- Grandparents
- Siblings
- A former spouse
- Former in-laws
And for those who are dating, engaged, or married to a person with kids.
Laura will help you learn how to:
- Understand and overcome stepfamily complexities.
- Discover why the stepfamily is radically different than a first-time family.
- Co-parent even if the former spouse is high conflict.
- Unify as a couple when the kids threaten to destroy.
- Comprehend what the kids are “really” saying.
- Create strategies that strengthen and unify the marriage.
We will offer most of these workshops twice on Saturday, so you will have the option to sign up for two workshops (one in the morning and one in the afternoon)
With Stephanie Wilkins
Biblical Nutrition, Wellness, and Lifestyle Management Techniques to Break Free from Fear, Anxiety, and Negative Thinking Patterns.
Mind over matter sounds easy, but if you’ve ever experienced anxiety, fearfulness, or negative thinking patterns, you know that it’s not that easy!
If this is you, this life-changing message will give you key biblical nutrition, wellness, and lifestyle management techniques to improve your mental health and embrace our Savior’s peace that passes all understanding!
Key Message Components:
- Medical issues related to fear and anxiety
- Nature or nurture as it relates to fear and anxiety
- The practice of being intentional ; affirming truth through our Christian
faith. - Good nutrition and supplementation for your brain
- Sleep and your brain
- Exercise and the brain
- Lifestyle management for stress and anxiety
- The Power of “NO” and “taking a Pause.”
- Relinquishment and control
With Rhoda Vickers Hendrix
Stuck on what to wear as a woman over 50?
We don’t have to give up style for frump as we age and move into our senior years.
Don’t be afraid to add a few trends to your wardrobe and don’t be scared to add some bling to your outfits with tasteful jewelry.
Scarves, shoes and jewelry can make an outfit, so we’ll look at all the ways to stay current without spending a fortune.
True beauty comes from the inside, but it’s uplifting to feel good in our clothes as well.
Proverbs 31:25
Strength and dignity are her clothing
And she smiles at the future.
With Priscilla Wilkinson
The Fear of Being No One
Losing a marriage of 41 years, her home, and her mother simultaneously, Priscilla found herself losing sight of her true identity.
Being alone, feeling helpless, and no longer knowing who she was, she believed she was no longer worthy of love. As a result, she floundered with being “no one” and having “no purpose.”
Many of us struggle with losses that leave us floundering, especially as we get older.
We are often stripped of our identities as wives, mothers, or employees. We sometimes lose our positions in the community or our church. We lose our sense of self. We fear no longer being valued or having a purpose.
But it is not the end of the story. God met Priscilla right where she was in the midst of her pain and despair. He reminded her of who she was and her identity in Jesus Christ. And she wants to share the lessons on this journey with you.
With Laura Petherbridge
Do anxious and stressful thoughts overtake your mind?
Does your mind go places you don’t want it to go?
Would you like to learn how to control your mind rather than having it dictate your emotions?
Laura shares how to think like Christ, even during chaos.
- Replace distressing doubt with unshakeable faith.
- Learn why and how fear paralyzes us.
- Conquer uncertainty and negativity.
- Overcome poor choices.
With Laurie Graffo
A health crisis is often a sudden, startling event in one’s life. The way we handle this situation can not just reveal our faith – but actually be a faith-builder if we learn to lean into Christ.
Join us for Laurie‘s testimony as a two-time, stage-4 cancer survivor on how to develop practical spiritual practices that help God’s children walk through the uncertainties and fear that dire health crisis can bring.
This workshop will be a blessing for someone facing a health crisis and their loved ones.