Speakers &Worship

Patricia Holbrook:
Patricia Holbrook is the president of Soaring with Him Ministries, a faith columnist, international speaker and the author of Twelve Inches – Bridging the Gap Between What Your Know About God and How You Feel.
Her passion for challenging her audience’s faith and walk with God has quickly made her ministry’s website a popular place for people from over 20 countries. Patricia has been a faith columnist for the Atlanta Journal Constitution since 2012. She is a guest writer for Christian magazines and popular blogs, such as LifeLetter Cafe, and a content contributor for iDisciple, the popular app, engaging more than 160,000 subscribers daily around the globe. Patricia’s sense of humor and practical, uncompromising Bible teaching has also made her a sought-after speaker at women’s events in the United States and internationally.
Patricia is originally from Brazil and has lived in the United States since 1999. She lives in Georgia with her husband Steve, their two daughters and their miniature Schnauzers Jingle Bells and their new addition, Minnie. She is currently attending Covington Seminary, where she is enrolled in their Master’s program in Bible Studies.

Pat Layton
Guest Speaker
Pat is a passionate and inspiring leader who, during her 25 years in full-time ministry, has led the founding of a variety of non-profit ministries, including one of the nation’s largest pregnancy resource centers, a Christian adoption agency, and a national abstinence education program. She is currently serving as a busy Speaker, Author and Life Coach.
Pat has published six books. Her 3 part post-abortion recovery bible study Surrendering the Secret was published by Lifeway in 2009 and updated in 2019. She has published a bible studies gift book series called Born to Bloom. Her book A Surrendered Life was released by Baker Books in August 2014 and her latest book Life UnStuck “Peace with the Past; Purpose in the Present and Passion for the Future” was published in Spring 2015 and was highlighted as a “Hot New Release” by Amazon.
She has blessed countless audiences with her engaging and whimsical style as a keynote partner with Lysa Terkeurst, Janet Parshall, Bruce Wilkinson and many other nationally recognized Christian speakers. Pat has shared her remarkable testimony on Focus on the Family radio (March 2016) and The James Robison TV Show (Fall, 2015).

Laura Petherbridge
Guest Speaker
Laura Petherbridge serves couples and single adults with topics on women’s issues, relationships, stepfamilies, co-parenting, single parenting, divorce prevention, and divorce recovery.
She is an international speaker and author of, several books, including, When “I Do” Becomes” I Don’t”- -Practical Steps for Healing During Separation and Divorce, The Smart Stepmom , 101 Tips for The Smart Stepmom, Quiet Moments for the Stepmom Soul, among others.
Laura has spoken nationally and internationally, including at The Bily Graham Training Center, Lifeway, MomLife Today, Hearts at Home, FamilyLife Blended, MOPS, and Iron Sharpens Iron conferences.
Her various TV and radio appearance include: Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family with Jim Daly, Family Life Today with Dennis Rainey, Moody Broadcasting (Midday Connection and Chris Fabry Live), 100 Huntley Street (Canada) and HomeWord with JimBurns. Her writing has been featured in several well-known publications, including Proverbs 31, Today’s Christian women, Focus on the Family magazine, among others.

Stephanie Wilkins
workshop Speaker
Stephanie Wilkins, CNC, has lived in three countries and five states. Her life as a corporate wife-turned Nutrition counselor began when her son was diagnosed with multiple food allergies and severe gluten intolerance and when her Mom was diagnosed at the age of 50 with Parkinson’s disease.
While caring for both loved ones, Stephanie saw firsthand how faith, nutrition, wellness and lifestyle management could change lives! So, the homeschool educator went back to school, and became a Certified Nutrition Consultant.
With over 20 years of combined home and health education experience, she works diligently to increase awareness about how good nutrition and healthy living manage and prevent many chronic diseases and conditions.
Stephanie serves community, charitable, and civic organizations, as well as businesses, bringing a wealth of knowledge, whether she is teaching her signature four-week programs, her signature lunch-n-learns, or bringing a keynote on health, wellness, or lifestyle management topics to a variety of audiences.
People find her live demonstrations informative, humorous, as well as entertaining. Whether she is cooking up something good for her audience to try, showing how the digestive system works with props, or touching heartstrings with her down to earth true faith-based stories that people can relate to, Stephanie brings something to the table for everyone and leaves them hungry for more!

Priscilla Wilkinson
workshop speaker
As far back as she can remember, God has given Priscilla a heart and passion for ministering to women. Out of that passion was born Women of Life. As the Founder and Executive Director of Women of Life, Priscilla is dedicated to fostering the spiritual, mental, and physical development of women.
As one who has been through many trials, it is Priscilla’s mission to share her testimony and to encourage women that God is faithful no matter what they have gone through or are going through. Using her own personal testimony of sexual abuse, depression, and trauma, she strives to teach women and show them they are valuable, they are needed, and they are loved.
Priscilla is committed to sharing her story, uplifting women, and pointing them to Jesus Christ.
In addition to Women of Life, Priscilla has been an active member of Crossroads Presbyterian Church in Stone Mountain, Georgia, for over 20 years. There she has served as Elder and teaches Adult Sunday School. In addition, Priscilla serves on the Board of SitusAMC Women Empowerment Network and is an active member of the Georgia Gwinnett Alumni Association.
Priscilla is an avid traveler who loves to go to the theatre, play games and read mysteries.

Rhoda Vickers Hendrix
workshop speaker
As a pioneer in the home decor/DIY blogging community, Rhoda proves that it’s never too late to change careers.
Rodha has been blogging for over 16 years and successfully turned her hobby lifestyle blog into a business at the age of 50.
She thrives on sharing budget-friendly home decor ideas and home improvement projects with a loyal audience of readers who faithfully visit the popular Southern Hospitality blog every day she posts.
She inspires her readers with ideas on making their homes beautiful on a budget as well as fashion over 50 inspiration, recipes, family, and travel blogs.
Rhoda co-founded the successful DIY conference, Haven Conference, in Atlanta, GA.

Laurie Graffo
workshop Speaker
Laurie Graffo came to Christ over 25 years ago.
She is a Sunday school teacher and leader in the single women’s ministry at Church of the Apostles in Atlanta. She recently became a Colson’s Fellow and serves locally.
As a Colson’s Fellow, Laurie serves the local trainees and shares apologetics content as a bible teacher, thus helping women discover their calling to impact the culture for Christ.
Laurie is a former management consultant and project manager. She has used her project management skills to volunteer in a variety of ministry efforts at She Is Safe‘s, Church of the Apostles, and other non-profits.
Laurie is also a two-time, stage-4 cancer survivor who is blessed by God daily through His voice, will, and direction. She is also blessed to be an auntie to her two great nephews.

Chasity Dedman
Worship leader
Chasity was a soloist and worship team leader at First Baptist Church Atlanta for 13 years. During that time, she was privileged to serve and sing in almost every single ministry at FBA, ranging from kids VBS all the way to the Widow’s Ministry.
God used her Pastors, Dr. Charles Stanley and Rodney Brooks to open many doors for her, including the unforgettable opportunity to sing in Israel on the Southern Steps of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
During 2017, she began to suffer from anxiety when she sang, to the point that it would almost cripple her voice. Through her own personal struggles of feeling unworthy, judged by others, and inadequate to use her God given gifts, God started preparing her for a greater calling. She now has a ministry called Dealing Hope, where she teaches others to use God’s Pure Creation paired with Scripture and prayer to be healed from the inside out and to step into their calling for God’s glory!
In May 2022, Chasity became the Worship Leader at Oak Grove Baptist Church where she currently serves weekly singing praises to an audience of One!
Chasity has been married for almost 29 years. She has homeschooled her four children for a total of 21 years.

Kelley Powell
She Soars’ M.C.
Kelley Powell loves to inspire others through her passion for teaching and coaching. In her career, she has been a learning consultant, classroom facilitator, project manager, and coach.
She currently works at The Home Depot as a learning strategy consultant for the stores. In addition to teaching, Kelley enjoys voiceover & teleprompter work, public speaking and volunteering to serve the community.
Kelley is currently a member of Mount Paran Church. Since joining in 2020, she has been blessed to serve within the church’s Worship and Arts, and Women’s ministries. This is her third year as M.C. for the She Soars Conference.
Kelley was born and raised in the Midwest. She currently resides in Atlanta, GA, is enjoying a new chapter in life as an empty nester, and her new fur baby, Beethoven the shih tzu!
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