February 25th was a day we dreamed about, prayed over and anticipated for over three years.
Before the pandemic, my friend and Certified Nutrional Counselor Stephanie Wilkins and I had planned to start working with women’s shelters, bringing the Good News of the gospel and sharing free Bible studies with women in transition homes in the Atlanta metropolitan area.
Then the pandemic hit and stopped the program before it even began.
Fast forward three years, and we now realize that the “pause” only served to improve the original plan. Only God can turn a disappointment into something much better than we originally planned (Genesis 20:20).
City of Refuge
Our first Love Day partner was House of Cherith, the “safe house” inside City of Refuge, providing safety and guidance for women who are victims of abuse or sexual exploitation. This incredible ministry provides Safe housing and supportive services where women can recover from the trauma of sexual exploitation.

The day started with worship led by Soaring with Him’s worship leader and my dear friend Chasity Dedman. The Holy Spirit’s presence was powerful as these women raised their voices to worship their Redeemer.
Next, I brought a message of hope and encouragement from Jeremiah 17 – The Tree and the Bush, after which we had an altar call with several ladies coming for prayer.

We then broke for lunch and group prayer time, where each volunteer prayed with a small group.
Bible Distribution and Course
In the afternoon, we gave the ladies a personal copy of the Bible, together with a small gift from our new partner, The Encouragement Project. We also delivered four copies of Tyndale’s Life Application Bible to be placed in the four main rooms of the shelter.
It was then that I taught my brand-new course, Equipped to Listen to God, which is still not available to the public (it’ll be available at our new website soon!). The course teaches people how to listen to God through the Bible.

The ladies were thrilled to attend the course and receive their own personal copy of the course book. At the end, there were several testimonies of how the bibles and the course blessed them.
We finished the day with a hand pampering section from our new ministry partners and dear friends, Mary Kay’s representatives Vicki Morton Hartin and Judy Womack. Judy is also our Agape Shelter Ministry coordinator.
Much More to Come
We are so grateful to God for our new partners, volunteers and financial supporters. Soaring with Him’s Bible Distribution and Bible study programs are just beginning! Our objective is to give away many more Bibles and courses in the future. But we cannot do it without your prayers and financial support. Please consider becoming a financial partner. For as little as $30 a month, you can bring Bible literacy to a woman who is starting a new life in Christ.
Click HERE to give Bibles and Bible Studies. Find out more about our Agape Shelter Ministry HERE.
In His Great Love,
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