by Patricia Holbrook | Mar 21, 2022 | Blog, Uncategorized
I sat down with award-winning Hollywood producer Cindy Bond to discuss her experience filming “Redeeming Love” and the growing demand for clean, faith-based entertainment. Listen to my interview with her in this week’s podcast. Click on the image to...
by Bethany McIlrath | Mar 16, 2022 | Blog, Recharge Wednesday, Uncategorized
The sins of some are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them. –1 Timothy 5:24 Paul made this small but vivid remark at the end of a letter to his younger friend, Timothy. The wisdom has stuck in my mind. Sin on the...
by Patricia Holbrook | Mar 14, 2022 | AJC, Blog
It happened almost two decades ago, but I remember it as if it was yesterday. She was 13 months old and finally ready to take her first steps. I was on the couch, reading, while she played with books on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. I saw a swift movement from the...
by Karen Friday | Mar 9, 2022 | Blog, Recharge Wednesday
Sometimes we misunderstand what set apart means for God’s people. Because the purpose in being set apart is to be set to something else. Biblically speaking, something else is desiring what God desires for us. It means desiring someone else—God. And not desiring the...
by Patricia Holbrook | Feb 28, 2022 | AJC, Blog, Recharge Wednesday
“Thank you, God, that you are not overwhelmed.” It was my friend’s turn to pray during our weekly staff prayer meeting. The prayer requests were many – from comfort to a friend’s son’s tragic death to healing to family members and colleagues sick with COVID-19. My...
by Debbie Wilson | Feb 23, 2022 | Blog, Recharge Wednesday
What happens when you make a mistake or disappoint yourself or someone else? Do you assume God is put out with you? Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. That’s why the backstories of those God commended in Hebrews 11 captivate me. Their fumbles showcase God’s...
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