There are moments where the thought that I could die anytime at all strikes me silly.

I’m not worried about where I’m going. I believe God’s Word in 2 Timothy 4:18–He will deliver me safely into His Kingdom.

My (foolish!) concern?

I worry that I might die before I get to finish particular reading, study, and writing projects. I fear my dreams might be left unfinished, unaccomplished. And with that, I realize I have an idol issue.

God-Given Dreams Aren’t Meant to be Idols

In chapter two of You’re Made for a God-sized Dream, Holley Gerth asks:

Why are God-sized dreams so compelling?”

Her answer offers swift correction for any dream-scheming:

“Because we powerfully experience God’s presence in our lives through them. It’s not about the destination. It’s not about what we will get if we complete them. It’s about the relationship.”

Fearing of missing out on our dreams before they’re achieved means forgetting what our dreams are all about. God doesn’t give us dreams so we can work for a trophy on a shelf. His dreams for us result in the prize of closeness with Christ.

[bctt tweet=”God doesn’t give us dreams so we can work for a trophy on a shelf. His dreams for us result in the prize of closeness with Christ.” username=”PatHolbrook @BethanyMcIlrath”]

God-Given Dreams Are Meant to Be Eternal

The kinds of dreams God gives us are intended to glorify Him. They build up His Kingdom in one way or another. That means that pursuing our God-given dreams isn’t just about us.

Holley Gerth points out that:

Ultimately you know the calling in your soul is about more, so much more than anything you might hope to gain from it.”

Our dreams are about Him. And He isn’t changing, failing, or going anywhere. Worship is and will be received by God forever.

Our God-sized dreams aren’t about the temporal. They’re designed by God to have an eternal impact.

God-Given Dreams Aren’t Threatened By Our Fears

Hopefully, your fears about your dreams are not associated with dying. (I know I’m weird!)

Maybe you worry instead that you’re going to miss out on your dream because of setbacks or surprising life changes. Fear of failure might be holding you back from even starting. Perhaps you fear because the dream just seems too huge.

There’s good news:

God can do all things. No plan of God’s can be thwarted. (Job 42:2)

His dreams for us may not look like we expect. Some aspects that we think are vital might not be. But we know that what He purposes, happens. God will complete the dream HE has given you, whatever that looks like in the end.

We can trust that God’s purposes for the dreams He gives us will NOT die, even when they are threatened.

How has God shown himself faithful and sovereign over the dreams He has given you?

{A version of this post was originally published here}

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[bctt tweet=”LINKUP is open! This week, my friend @BethanyMcIlrath reminds us to remember the times God has shown Himself faithful over the dreams He has given us. Join us & share your blog!” username=”PatHolbrook”]

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