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LINKUP! God Is Never Overwhelmed {The Atlanta Journal-Constitution}
“Thank you, God, that you are not overwhelmed.” It was my friend’s turn to pray during our weekly staff prayer meeting. The prayer requests were many – from comfort to a friend’s son’s tragic death to healing to family members and colleagues sick with COVID-19. My...
Have You Experienced the Awesome Power of Grace? {Recharge Wednesday LINKUP}
What happens when you make a mistake or disappoint yourself or someone else? Do you assume God is put out with you? Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. That’s why the backstories of those God commended in Hebrews 11 captivate me. Their fumbles showcase God’s...
But Jesus… {Recharge Wednesday LinkUp}
There were big things to do. There throngs willing to listen who needed to hear. There were disciples seeking training and teaching. “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” –Luke 5:16 There were people to heal. There were lost souls to share the Gospel...
God Is Often Blamed for Things He Never Said {The Atlanta Journal-Constitution}
My late brother-in-law was a quiet man. He was known for being “quick to listen… and slow to speak.” If Donnie was curious about something, he strategically waited to ask the right question at the right time. Whenever we visited, my husband, sister-in-law, and I did...
Trusting God Without Hesitation {Recharge Wednesday LINKUP}
Is trusting God difficult for you? Or, would you prefer to place your trust in yourself or others? And have you ever wondered: How will I get through this? Where do I turn? What are we going to do? Several times in my life, it felt as if I were free-falling. Like an...
If God Is for Us? {Recharge Wednesday LINKUP}
If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31-32 NIV When our son was very young, a painful rejection crushed him. And like most moms, when my child hurts, I hurt. I took the matter to God, and He brought these words to mind: I’m for Brant. God didn’t tell me...
Interview with Francine Rivers about Redeeming Love {The Atlanta Journal Constitution}
I had the pleasure to interview my favorite novelist, New York Times best-selling author Francine Rivers for my latest column for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution at the time of the release of Redeeming Love, the movie based on her debut novel from 1991. Don't miss...
Is This the Change You’re Looking For? {Recharge Wednesday LINKUP}
Having just traveled a few states to work in the summer heat, it was admirable how upbeat the youth were. Their mission trip involved hard work laboring to repair homes and make helpful upgrades. They spent a lot of time in one house rebuilding part of a damaged wall....
Kendrick Brothers First Documentary Offers Insights on Fatherhood {The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Video Interview}
Early in December, I had the pleasure of interviewing Alex and Stephen Kendrick about their latest movie, “Show Me the Father.” The movie is the first documentary in the brothers’ outstanding career as faith-based movie writers and producers, preceded by...
What If We Let God be God This Year? {Recharge Wednesday LINKUP}
Besides parties, fireworks, and countdowns to midnight, the term “brand-new” conjures up all kinds of hopes and dreams. Although a new year brings excitement about what lies ahead, it may also bring uneasiness about what’s expected of us. Or, what we expect of...
LINKUP: Past Failures Should Not Define the New Year {The Atlanta Journal-Constitution}
The 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews in the New Testament lists the names of men and women of faith who trusted God through trials and impossible situations. The list includes the Jewish patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It also mentions leaders whose lives...
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