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God, Please Give Me One More Sign! {Recharge Wednesday}
Then Gideon said to God, “Do not let Your anger burn against me that I may speak once more; please let me make a test once more with the fleece, let it now be dry only on the fleece, and let there be dew on all the ground. (Judges 6:39) “Lord, did I really hear from...
Compassion Turns your Talents into Gifts {The Atlanta Journal-Constitution}
Genuine compassion finds a way to do something with the gifts and talents God has bestowed upon us to help others.
Dallas Jenkins Interview – The Chosen and more
Dallas Jenkins is best known for the hit series, The Chosen, which has been watched by over 400 million people worldwide since it started airing in 2018. Dallas is the son of Jerry B. Jenkins, a Christian novelist best known for the Left Behind series, one of the...
Everyone Needs a Barnabas {Recharge Wednesday}
Even the Great apostle Paul needed a friend to support him in his calling. Everyone needs an encouraging friend like Barnabas.
Adoption – Choosing to Change Lives {The Atlanta Journal-Constitution}
In this column and interview, Patricia and the Kendrick brothers discussed adoption – the theme of their first movie based on a real-life story.
I Hate to Wait {Recharge Wednesday Linkup}
I hate to wait. I know others who hate it too. I’ve seen people waiting for: a delayed flight,an injury to heal, a traffic light to change,an appliance to be repaired, the right person to fill a job, acceptance to Bible...
Feeling Broken? Your Life Is Not Beyond Repair
I stared at the drawing of Solomon’s temple, taking every detail in. Based on the meticulous descriptions found in 1 Kings 7 and various parallel passages between 1 Chronicles 22 and 2 Chronicles 7, every intrinsic element of the building was built using the finest...
Column & Interview with Dr. Richard Blackaby {Experiencing God Bible}
Read the column and listen to the interview with Dr. Richard Blackaby containing the incredible story of God’s favor and guidance to the Blackaby family. Find out more about the Experiencing God Study Bible and how you can win a copy!
Praying for a Friend {Recharge Wednesday LINKUP}
“I really need a friend.” Have you ever thought you could really use a friend? Maybe you prayed for the Lord to send you a friend in a new city, job, group or church. Since our family spent over thirty-five years in full-time church ministry and lived in...
Called Out of Your Comfort Zone
If God is calling out of your comfort zone this year, He has equipped you to step out in faith and receive the blessing.
Column & Interview with Lysa Terkeurst – Good Boundaries and Goodbyes
Read the column and listen/watch my interview with Lysa Terkeurst about her new book, Good Boundaries and Goodbyes.
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