Bible Literacy & Distribution
Bible Literacy
bible teaching is our passion
bible application is a priority
At Soaring with Him, our goal is to help people understand the Bible and make its Truth applicable to their lives.
Our Bible Literacy and Distribution program offers:
- Free Bibles for women in our Agape Shelter Program.
- Free Bibles through the “Bible Request form” on this page.
- Patricia Holbrook’s Bible studies for free for the women in the Agape shelter program.
- Patricia’s course “Equipped for Life” course curriculum is offered to shelters. This is a course on how to study the Bible written and taught by Patricia at the shelters.
- Free Study Bibles to shelters.
- A select number of study Bibles to individuals through the “Bible Request form” on this page.
- Our conference, She Soars, offers the “How to Study the Bible” workshop to its attendees, as well as a workshop for women who want to become Bible teachers and writers.

Since we opened the Bible Literacy program and opened the form for Bible requests, we have received numerous requests – more than we can fulfill.
We simply do not have enough financial resources to fulfill the demand.
We don’t want to turn away anyone who wants to have a copy of God’s Word and cannot afford it.
Would you consider partnering with us?
Every $50 allows us to give away 10 Bibles or 2 study Bibles. If you make it a recurring donation, you could bless up to 120 people with God’s Word in one year!
* Soaring with Him Ministries, Inc. is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax-dedutible.
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