I rocked our infant son in the living room while my husband filmed our daughter, Megan. Nearly four-years-old, a few of her joys in life included kid’s classes at church, watching children’s videos, and playing with dolls.
Enjoyments came to life for the video camera: songs, quoting a Bible verse, or random question-answer prompted by mom and dad. “Where did we go today?” And, “Tell everybody how old you are?” Memories and moments captured on film.
But Megan sparkled with merriment when singing. Especially one particular song about love.
Certain love songs may cause our heart to skip a beat. I recall my favorite through the years. Each carries memorable melodies with sweet lyrics denoting loyalty of heart. Staying true to real love.
So, during this filming episode, my daughter showed me one love song to add to the top of my playlist.
My Whole Heart
Lord, let me love you with my whole heart….
Repeat. Repeat again.
For this feature film, Megan happily belted out several children’s tunes, bouncing around the room and landing on various furniture pieces and musical notes. Loving the Lord with her whole heart fell in the fourth or fifth spot on Megan’s playlist.
The song stuck on replay, singing the same line multiple times, she tried to remember if there were more lyrics and where they went next. Several pauses with a pondering look, what are the other words?
Yet, seconds later, “Lord, let me love you….” No ending to this particular song and no other words except loving the Lord with a whole heart and having none above Him.
My husband and I discussed that video a few years ago. The Lord nudged my heart. “Megan was on to something. It is a never-ending song. Love me with your whole heart, not loving anyone or anything above me.”
A never-ending love song played out in Scripture.
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment” Matthew 22:37-38 ESV.
And the Old Testament affirms the lyrics. In 1 Kings when Solomon assembled the elders and the heads of tribes in Israel to bring up the Ark of the Covenant (the most holy place), the Lord’s glory filled the house.
“Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in front of the whole assembly of Israel, spread out his hands toward heaven and said, ‘Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below—you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way’” 1 Kings 8:22-23 NIV.
An Enduring Love Song
You see, my daughter was on to something. Staying true to real love. Loyalty of heart to God who is above all, the One who loved us first.
[bctt tweet=”Staying true to real love is loyalty of heart to God who is above all. The One who loved us first. #loyal #truelove” username=”PatHolbrook”]
Still, we often give pieces of our heart away. Hopelessly devoted to other loves—people or things in this life. Loyalty to Jesus becomes a half-hearted attempt to love Him. But He’s not supreme.
But this never-ending love song needs top spot on my playlist every day, every moment, and all my life. Words of love instilled in the depths of my heart.
Standing before the altar of the Lord, spreading out my hands to heaven, and sparkling with merriment.
“Lord, I love You with my whole heart. I’m in love with You more than anyone or anything.”
Repeat. Repeat Again.
[bctt tweet=”Lord, I love You with my whole heart. I’m in love with You more than anyone or anything. Repeat. Repeat Again.” username=”PatHolbrook”]
Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are full of love. I’m grateful that You loved me first. Please give me the desire to love You with all that is within me and to walk in Your ways. May Your glorious love reign supreme in my life. There is none above You. Amen.
Megan went on to sing in school and church programs, and in our church worship band. She grew into a beautiful woman with a lovely voice who still loves the Lord with her whole heart.
[bctt tweet=”Link up is open! Join @FridayKaren today to discover how to add an epic and never-ending love song to the top of our playlist: Loving the Lord with our whole heart. JOIN us and share your blog.” username=”PatHolbrook”]
Karen, what a delight to find your story here today! Great job as always. You’ve inspired me to consider my favorite songs and sing a few of them today. Blessings to you!
Hey Sarah, thank you sweet friend. And yes, we were created with a song in our heart and a voice to sing to the lover of our soul. 🙂
What a sweet remembrance coupled with a critical truth: whole-hearted living and loving puts all our pieces together in an offering to God.
Amen, Michele, it sure does. We really can be totally in love with Jesus more than anyone or anything. We’re not Jesus freaks or radical Christians as much as being a true disciple of Christ! It’s the norm!
Hi Karen,
Love your daughter’s spark, and you know what, I think in our attempts to love Him sometimes we are forgetting to let Him love us wholeheartedly.
I couldn’t agree more, Rebecca. Jesus models how to love with a whole heart while He’s loving us that way.
Amen. laurensparks.net
Thanks for commenting, Lauren. “Lord, help us love You with our whole heart. To be and stay in love with You more than anyone or anything.”
Repeat. Repeat Again.
“But this never-ending love song needs top spot on my playlist every day, every moment, and all my life.” Yes, Karen! Thanks for helping us keep first things first.
Thank you, Lisa. “Heavenly Father, You are full of love. We’re grateful that You loved us first. May Your glorious love reign supreme in our life. There is none above You. Amen.”
Love this post Patricia, it made me smile as I was reading it! It was also a source of real encouragement today, as I do put my Lord above everything & one in my life…
This has recently been tested & the Holy Spirit within was victorious…
But after a discouraging weekend, I needed this sweet story. So thank you 😀
Appreciate your kind words, Jennifer. Glad the story and words encouraged you during a discouraging week.
And let’s keep this song at the top of our playlist always!
Blessings, Karen
How sweet! And what a great reminder to listen with child-like faith–in wonder and openness.
Hey Lynn,
I so want that child-like-faith you mention. Standing before the altar of the Lord, spreading out my hands to heaven, and sparkling with merriment. 🙂