But the righteous will live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4 NASB).

Is anybody else feeling the need to tone up after the holidays? While tight pants scream the need for physical discipline, Paul reminds us, “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come” (1 Tim. 4:8 NLT).

Soft pillows and sweaters enhance our rest and keep us warm. But a flabby body and faith hinder us in everyday living. We know our bodies require the right fuel and exercise to flourish, but have you considered the important role spiritual nutrition and exercise play in vibrant faith?

[bctt tweet=”We know our bodies require the right fuel and exercise to flourish, but have you considered the important role spiritual nutrition and exercise make in vibrant #faith? #RechargeWednesday @DebbieWWilson” username=”PatHolbrook”]

Studying my Bible feeds my faith, but I also need to exert my faith to thrive. Knowing the perils of fragile faith and the benefits of firm faith helps me utilize my faith muscles.

Here are two lists to help us take inventory of the condition of our faith.

Fragile Faith:

Firm Faith:

How did you do? If, like me, you checked too many in the fragile faith category, don’t fret! (see #1 in Fragile list!) Instead, create a plan to renew your mind and strengthen your faith muscles.

All living things need constant care, including faith. No one brushes her teeth and says, “Done, I never have to do that again!” So it is with faith. Moment by moment, opportunity by opportunity, we must choose to walk by faith, or, by default, we defer to sight.

[bctt tweet=”Moment by moment, opportunity by opportunity, we must choose to walk by faith, or, by default, we defer to sight. #RechargeWednesday @DebbieWWilson” username=”PatHolbrook”]

This year, let’s choose faith! May our lives flourish as we walk with Jesus.

P.S. My book Little Faith, Big God, which looks at Hebrews 11, comes out February 10th. I’d appreciate your help in getting the word out. If you’d like to consider joining my launch team, please contact me.


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[bctt tweet=”#Recharge LINKUP party is back after the Holidays! This week, my friend @DebbieWWilson invites us to start the New Year by honestly evaluating our faith. Join us and share your blog!!” username=”PatHolbrook”]



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