I forgot.
Please tell me I’m not the only person struck with the disease of forgetting.
Do you ever forget?
- To call a friend.
- An important meeting.
- To pay a bill.
- Where you put the car keys.
- Details that happened yesterday, last week, or last year.
I hope you answered yes to at least one.
Feeling Forgotten
Or, like me, have you ever wondered if a friend forgot about you? She seems to talk with other friends and they go to dinner together. But she hasn’t called you in ages.
And here’s a big one. Have you ever felt like God has forgotten you? If you’re nodding, me too. Thoughts such as, God has forgotten me. He seems to work on behalf of others. Me? I continue waiting for Him to move in my life.
No matter how we feel, thinking God forgets us is a lie from the enemy. A false belief a few people in the Bible also succumbed to (Psalm 42:9; 77:9).
God Only Forgets One Thing
God never forgets us. When it comes to His children, God only forgets one thing. We find it in Isaiah 43:25,
“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” (NIV)
[bctt tweet=”No matter how we feel or what we think, God never forgets about us. The one thing God forgets? He remembers our sins no more. Isaiah 43:25 @FridayKaren” username=”PatHolbrook”]
This girl remains forever grateful about the whole I-forget-your-sins grace from God. What redeeming and relentless love!
Forgetting God
So, what’s the worst forget-me-not blunder? Forgetting God and His mighty works. God’s people fell prey to the disease multiple times in the Bible.
If we recap the Exodus story out of Egypt, the script reads like this.
- God divided the seas. They soon forgot.
- The Lord split rocks, gushing with drinking water. They didn’t remember.
- He led them with a cloud at day and a fiery light at night. They forgot His works.
- Manna rained down from heaven at His command. They grumbled.
- The Lord God defeated their enemies. They worshiped other gods.
- God redeemed them. Still, His abundant and steadfast love slipped from their minds.
In present day, God’s people are also guilty of a forgetting God tragedy. Even after His many wonders and works in our lives.
When we chase after idols, worry about what-ifs, put people and things above God, look to the world for wisdom, or find shelter and comfort in anything besides the Lord, we’ve forgotten God.
“For you have forgotten the God of your salvation and have not remembered the Rock of your refuge” Isaiah 17:10a, ESV.
[bctt tweet=”When we chase after idols, worry about what-ifs, put people and things above God, look to the world for wisdom, or find shelter and comfort in anything besides the Lord, we’ve forgotten God. @FridayKaren” username=”PatHolbrook”]
Safeguards for Not Forgetting
Look at these translations of Deuteronomy 4:9.
“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” (NIV)
“You must be very careful not to forget the things you have seen God do for you. Keep reminding yourselves, and tell your children and grandchildren as well.” (CEV)
[bctt tweet=”Do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart. Deuteronomy 4:9 @FridayKaren” username=”PatHolbrook”]
Here’s 3 do-not-forget-God safeguards:
1) Remember the things we have seen. Meditate on God’s goodness and grace and miracles.
2) Do not let God’s works slip from our heart. Things to hide in our heart: God’s Word, His promises, and what He has done.
3) Remind ourselves often and tell the next generations.
Never forget all the Lord our God has done on our behalf.
He has:
- Moved mountains.
- Parted seas.
- Sent daily bread.
- Defeated our enemies.
- Provided living water.
- Led us in the darkness with His light.
- Redeemed us by His blood.
And He continues to lead us through the wilderness until the Promised Land is in eyesight and ours again.
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[bctt tweet=”Link up is open! @FridayKaren discusses forgetfulness: our forgetful minds, when we feel forgotten, and not remembering God or His works, letting them slip from our heart. JOIN us and share your blog.” username=”PatHolbrook”]
I feel this all the time, not merely with practical things like forgetting to do something I told my husband I would do, but with deeply spiritual things like forgetting the promises of God. We are a forgetful people, but we have a faithful God.
Yes, Michele. While we are forgetful, God IS faithful! Thanks for that reminder. I pray we remember the God of our salvation and the rock of our refuge!
Karen, this is so good. God never forgets us but He won’t remember our sins. Let us not forget Him!
Thank you, Debbie. Isn’t that promise so comforting. I like how Isaiah 43:25 says God blots out our transgressions. Why? For “His” own sake. He doesn’t want to remember our sins. And He never, ever forgets us. Ever!
I haven’t spent quiet time with God in a few weeks and today He reminded me that He is near. I love it when He does that. Thank you for this reminder that He re-members us!
You’re welcome, Jodie. I pray we never forget what our eyes have seen, or let them slip from our heart. And we remember a God who remembers us and never forgets us.
I needed this today. Thank you. laurensparks.net
Praise God, Lauren. Remember, God continues to lead us through the wilderness until the Promised Land is in eyesight and ours again.
We all forget things from time to time, I could not remember a teacher’s name the other day but it came to me. Seeing people suffering dementia and Alzheimer’s makes me know we have an enemy and that the mind of Christ never wears out, renewing it in Him is definitely important.
Amen, Rebecca! We absolutely can have the mind of Christ and become intentional in remembering all of God’s acts of goodness, kindness and miracles toward us.
Thank you so much for this reminder. We often forget the good things that God has done for us when we are in a crisis and to avoid this, I recommend keeping a Book of Blessings where you right down every good thing that God has done for you each day so that you can read it when problems are threatening to overwhelm you as this will remind you that God has not forgotten you.
Love your book of blessings, Miriam. Such a great idea! Then it really is “counting our blessings” from a good, good Father. And I think we’ll find they are almost countless!