Fear and pessimism seem to be permeating the Presidential Election this year.
As a matter of fact, I was sitting at church this past Sunday, listening to some of the conversations, when an amusing thought crossed my mind. I told my husband later that afternoon: “If we could breed Chicken Little and Eeyore, we would come up with an offspring that resembles the demeanor of many believers who fill our church pews every Sunday.”
“The sky is falling and everything is really, really bad.” That would be Chicken-Eeyore’s motto.
I believe it would do every American good if we put ourselves in the shoes of the many Haitian families which, in the aftermath of hurricane Matthew, are mourning the loss of their loved ones, while picking up the pieces of their destroyed cities once again.
Destruction. Corruption. Doom. They know it firsthand. And so do most of the third-world country citizens around the globe. As for us, we who live in these United States do not know what it truly means to watch the sky fall. At least not yet.
There is no question we have enjoyed a more prosperous economy in years past. We cannot deny that our society’s values are indeed deteriorating. Yes, There’s still inexcusable racial and social division in our midst today. But ask the millions of people who dream of immigrating to America, and they will say: “No, in spite of it all, America’s sky is not falling.”
Anyone who reads my column can easily draw the conclusion that I am, essentially, a conservative. I happen to be one of those voters who makes a personal choice to support candidates whose agenda somewhat lineup with my Christian values. I try to vote for men and women who will defend our constitution, support our troops and fight to preserve life and family. On that stand, I have watched my candidates succeed, but also disappoint. I have witnessed men whom I trusted would make a positive impact in our congress and senate, change their ideologies to follow power and money. I have been pleased, nonetheless also highly disenchanted with my candidates.
That’s why I have never, nor will I ever, look for a savior in Washington. That would be ludicrous. And a waste of energy and time.
[bctt tweet=”I have never, nor will I ever, look for a savior in Washington. That would be ludicrous. And a waste of energy and time” username=”PatHolbrook”]
I agree with many of my friends who believe that our choices are less than ideal this year. I have actually heard several people saying that they are considering not voting on November 8th. Permeating their decision is the fact that both candidates have many character issues, which I do not try to dismiss, by any means. But on the other hand, we cannot close our eyes to the fact that, among other crucial decisions, the next president is likely to nominate as many as four new Supreme Court Justices, who can completely shift the shape of our laws and Constitution. That should be enough reason for every American to get up and vote.
Regardless of the outcome of the upcoming elections, I invite you to remember King Solomon’s words regarding any leader who has ever been in power: “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he wishes.”
If we believe that is true, we must then have no reason to fear the outcome of the next election. Simply because, ultimately, God is and will always be in sovereign control. And even though our limited view cannot fully comprehend why he sometimes allows certain men or women to rise to power, our job is to pray, cast our vote and trust. Fear and pessimism is for those who tend to forget who is really, ultimately in charge. And for Chicken-Eeore, of course.
This article was published in Patricia’s column for the Atlanta Journal Constitution’s Faith & Value Section on Saturday, October 15
Patricia Holbrook is a Christian author, blogger and International speaker. Her Book Twelve Inches is on sale at Barnes & Nobles, Amazon and retailers worldwide. Visit her website www.soaringwithHim.com. For speaking engagements and comments, email pholbrook@soaringwithHim.com.
Excellent, Timely article Patricia. Thank you!
Thank you, T!!
Excellent, Timely article Patricia. Thank you!
Thank you, T!!
GOD BLESS AMERICA and bless you for reminding each of us that ultimately God is in control even though it feels bleak and God does control the hearts of whoever but we must also remember when Israel turned forgot the God who had done so much for them, how they had to suffer. This is what concerns me about America!! I put my trust in God as I pray daily for each American to ask God for wisdom & guidance as they go to vote while asking Him to open eyes, minds & hearts of each of us. I know He’ll put the person He chooses to be our leader. We Christians just need to keep the faith and pray in thanksgiving as to how He will answer our prayers.
Amen, Marge! In GOD we must trust. Thank you for commenting and for encouraging me today. Blessings!!
GOD BLESS AMERICA and bless you for reminding each of us that ultimately God is in control even though it feels bleak and God does control the hearts of whoever but we must also remember when Israel turned forgot the God who had done so much for them, how they had to suffer. This is what concerns me about America!! I put my trust in God as I pray daily for each American to ask God for wisdom & guidance as they go to vote while asking Him to open eyes, minds & hearts of each of us. I know He’ll put the person He chooses to be our leader. We Christians just need to keep the faith and pray in thanksgiving as to how He will answer our prayers.
Amen, Marge! In GOD we must trust. Thank you for commenting and for encouraging me today. Blessings!!
Extremely comforting words for all – thank you!
Thank you, Deborah! God bless!
Extremely comforting words for all – thank you!
Thank you, Deborah! God bless!
Thank you, Patricia, for this timely article on the eve of the final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, two flawed candidates for president of our country. As great-grandparents of ten beautiful children we shudder at the thought of the wrong choice for the office of president of America and the future those precious children will have to endure. It has been stated by a very famous Christian pastor that the sorts of Winston Churchill, David, Moses, and Gen. Patton, who were certainly flawed people, were raised up by God to preserve their nation. It is our prayer that our loving heavenly Father will have the same saving grace for America’s future. For all things are possible with God!
Paul Howard
Amen, Paul. All we can do is cast our votes and pray for whoever the next President will be. Thank you for your comment!
Thank you, Patricia, for this timely article on the eve of the final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, two flawed candidates for president of our country. As great-grandparents of ten beautiful children we shudder at the thought of the wrong choice for the office of president of America and the future those precious children will have to endure. It has been stated by a very famous Christian pastor that the sorts of Winston Churchill, David, Moses, and Gen. Patton, who were certainly flawed people, were raised up by God to preserve their nation. It is our prayer that our loving heavenly Father will have the same saving grace for America’s future. For all things are possible with God!
Paul Howard
Amen, Paul. All we can do is cast our votes and pray for whoever the next President will be. Thank you for your comment!
Good evening Patricia, while historically many of us support differing political parties; I firmly believe your comments are spiritually on target and as Christians we should put self-preferences and political swords aside and cast our votes for humanity. God always has the final word and we stand on the foundation of that truth. While some use the word of God to stir up emotions unbecoming to kingdom building, we stand convinced of what we must do and how the battlefield must be filled with un-relinting soldiers standing on the front line of service endeavoring to get life right.
So very true, Gene! If every Christian just fills their mind and heart with God’s Word and acts according to their God-given convictions, He will direct our steps. Unfortunately, self-preference and ideologies often overcome, many times from the pulpit to the pews. But in all things, I am so grateful that God is the One who wrote the story, and that nothing gets Him by surprise. Our job is to cast our votes and pray for our country and the next leader. Thank you so much for your insight and comment! God bless!
Good evening Patricia, while historically many of us support differing political parties; I firmly believe your comments are spiritually on target and as Christians we should put self-preferences and political swords aside and cast our votes for humanity. God always has the final word and we stand on the foundation of that truth. While some use the word of God to stir up emotions unbecoming to kingdom building, we stand convinced of what we must do and how the battlefield must be filled with un-relinting soldiers standing on the front line of service endeavoring to get life right.
So very true, Gene! If every Christian just fills their mind and heart with God’s Word and acts according to their God-given convictions, He will direct our steps. Unfortunately, self-preference and ideologies often overcome, many times from the pulpit to the pews. But in all things, I am so grateful that God is the One who wrote the story, and that nothing gets Him by surprise. Our job is to cast our votes and pray for our country and the next leader. Thank you so much for your insight and comment! God bless!
Well-said Patricia! I love the Eeyore-Chicken Little description! Praying with you for the nation, the world, and the perspective of each of us as God holds the sky in place even through November!
Amen, Bethany. So glad you stopped by! Blessings to you,
Well-said Patricia! I love the Eeyore-Chicken Little description! Praying with you for the nation, the world, and the perspective of each of us as God holds the sky in place even through November!
Amen, Bethany. So glad you stopped by! Blessings to you,
A few weeks ago I found myself reading articles, checking out social media, and carefully watching the news surrounding the election, and you know what? I noticed that I was more anxious and fearful than I’d ever been. So I took a hard look at the disparity between what I say I believe and my feelings and actions. And I came down on the side of my faith and decided to put into practical action what I believe… and that is that God is in control and is the one who sets up rulers. And if that is the case, then why worry about it, why continue to check the news and listen to reports and cause myself needless anxiety and stress. So, I deliberately quit watching all political commentary and news on TV, radio and social media, instead am trusting in the character of God and the confidence that His will would be done whether it turns out the way I would prefer or not. This political season has defied explanation, and in my estimation, it (as well as everything else) can only be understood from a spiritual standpoint. God has a plan that isn’t conservative or liberal, not democrat or republican. He is sovereign and turns the hearts of leaders as he sees fit. No leader will ever be our savior. The truth is, we already have One. And we can trust him to do exactly what he says he will do…. every single time.
That was exactly my point on this column, Karen – We don’t need a savior in Washington. We have the One and Only, if we but trust Him with our lives and eternity.
Thank you for your comment! Blessings to you,
A few weeks ago I found myself reading articles, checking out social media, and carefully watching the news surrounding the election, and you know what? I noticed that I was more anxious and fearful than I’d ever been. So I took a hard look at the disparity between what I say I believe and my feelings and actions. And I came down on the side of my faith and decided to put into practical action what I believe… and that is that God is in control and is the one who sets up rulers. And if that is the case, then why worry about it, why continue to check the news and listen to reports and cause myself needless anxiety and stress. So, I deliberately quit watching all political commentary and news on TV, radio and social media, instead am trusting in the character of God and the confidence that His will would be done whether it turns out the way I would prefer or not. This political season has defied explanation, and in my estimation, it (as well as everything else) can only be understood from a spiritual standpoint. God has a plan that isn’t conservative or liberal, not democrat or republican. He is sovereign and turns the hearts of leaders as he sees fit. No leader will ever be our savior. The truth is, we already have One. And we can trust him to do exactly what he says he will do…. every single time.
That was exactly my point on this column, Karen – We don’t need a savior in Washington. We have the One and Only, if we but trust Him with our lives and eternity.
Thank you for your comment! Blessings to you,
God is well pleased with the words He gave you to write in this article and with the edifying clarity it projected. I am far more dismayed with the conversations I hear in church that dismiss the sovereignty of God in the affairs of men than I am with the evil of the two candidates. The candidates are just doing what evil people do. We sitting in church should be proclaiming scripture in our election (and all) conversations) conversations instead of opinions. God works in the lives of men to will and do for His good pleasure working ALL things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. As His thoughts and ways are much higher than ours, His way perfect and His word proven and pure, we must not only rest on them but proclaim them in our conversations. As God is using you mightily to proclaim His word and truth, may He use the candidate of His choosing to show His power to a doubting and predominantly lost world that all the peoples of the eart may know that the Lord is God and there is no other. Thanks be to God fo you, may He continue to bless you, family and ministry for His glory.
I am always thankful for your encouragement and support, Walt. To God alone be the glory!
Blessings to you!
God is well pleased with the words He gave you to write in this article and with the edifying clarity it projected. I am far more dismayed with the conversations I hear in church that dismiss the sovereignty of God in the affairs of men than I am with the evil of the two candidates. The candidates are just doing what evil people do. We sitting in church should be proclaiming scripture in our election (and all) conversations) conversations instead of opinions. God works in the lives of men to will and do for His good pleasure working ALL things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. As His thoughts and ways are much higher than ours, His way perfect and His word proven and pure, we must not only rest on them but proclaim them in our conversations. As God is using you mightily to proclaim His word and truth, may He use the candidate of His choosing to show His power to a doubting and predominantly lost world that all the peoples of the eart may know that the Lord is God and there is no other. Thanks be to God fo you, may He continue to bless you, family and ministry for His glory.
I am always thankful for your encouragement and support, Walt. To God alone be the glory!
Blessings to you!
That is so true! We act like the world is ending, but whoever becomes president is not in control of this. God is. I am so glad for perspective!
What a wonderful truth: That God offers us the right perspective throughout His Word. We only have to open our eyes and heart to His Truth, and trust Him alone for our nation and our future! Thanks for your comment, Sarah! God’s best to you and yours!
That is so true! We act like the world is ending, but whoever becomes president is not in control of this. God is. I am so glad for perspective!
What a wonderful truth: That God offers us the right perspective throughout His Word. We only have to open our eyes and heart to His Truth, and trust Him alone for our nation and our future! Thanks for your comment, Sarah! God’s best to you and yours!